Running a KVM image within VirtualBox

  1. Get your kvm virtualmachine zipfile
  2. Extract the zip, you should get a .qcow2 file
  3. Make sure the qemu-img command is available. For Debian, this is included in the qemu-utils package. (apt-get update && apt-get install qemu-utils)

  4. Use qemu to convert this to a vdi file: qemu-img convert -O vdi virtual.qcow2 virtual.vdi

  5. Create a new vm within VirtualBox, and select the converted .vdi file as its harddisk

  6. Profit

For raw files: VBoxManage convertdd virtual.raw virtual.vdi --format VDI

Howto/VirtualBox (last edited 2021-08-30 09:54:29 by Burathar)