
This is a reference for bash scripting. For more general instructions take a look here.



Bash operators are mainly used in if statements, to check against a variable or a hard coded object. Example:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 name=Foo
   4 if [ -e $name ]
   5 then
   6     echo File Exist
   7 else
   8     echo File doesnot exist
   9 fi

File Test Operators


Checks for




True if it exits, otherwise false


File is a block device

True if the file is a block device, otherwise false


File is a character device

True if it is a character device, otherwise false


File is a directory

True if it is a directory, otherwise false


File exits

True if it exits, otherwise false


Files are hard links to the same file

True if files before and after operator are hard links to the same file, otherwise false


File is regular file

True if regular, false if directory, device file, or non existant


Set-group-id (sgid) flag set on directory1

True if flag is set, otherwise false


Group-id of file is equal to the current user's

True group-id is equal to the user's, otherwise false


File is a symbolic link

True if file is a symbolic link, otherwise false


Sticky bit set2

True if bit is set, otherwise false


File is a symbolic link

True if file is a symbolic link, otherwise false


File is modified since last read

True file is modified since last read, otherwise false


File is newer than other file

True if file preceding operator is newer than file behind the operator, otherwise false


File is older than other file

True if file preceding operator is older than file behind the operator, otherwise false


Current user is owner of file

True if user is owner, otherwise false


File is a pipe

True if file is a pipe, otherwise false


File has read permission (for the user running the test)

True if it has read access, otherwise false


File Size

True if file > 0, otherwise false


File is a socket

True if file is a socket, otherwise false


File (descriptor) is associated with a terminal device3

True if file is associated with a terminal device, otherwise false


Set-user-id (suid) flag set on file4

True if flag is set, otherwise false


File has write permission (for the user running the test)

True if it has write access, otherwise false


File has execute permission (for the user running the test)

True if it has execute access, otherwise false


NOT, reverses the tests above

True if condition absent, otherwise reverse of condition

Integer Comparison Operators


C-style variant



Usage C-Style



Is equal to

if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]




Is not equal to

if [ "$a" -ne "$b" ]




Is greater than

if [ "$a" -gt "$b" ]

(("$a" > "$b"))



Is greater or equal to

if [ "$a" -ge "$b" ]

(("$a" >= "$b"))



Is less than

if [ "$a" -lt "$b" ]

(("$a" < "$b"))



Is less than or equal to

if [ "$a" -le "$b" ]

(("$a" <= "$b"))

String Comparison Operators





Is equal to

if [ "$a" = "$b" ]


Is equal to5

if [ "$a" == "$b" ]


Is not equal to

if [ "$a" != "$b" ]


Check string against extended regex

[[ $a =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ ]]


Is less than, in ASCII alphabetical order

if [ "$a" \< "$b" ] or if [[ "$a" < "$b" ]]


Is greater than, in ASCII alphabetical order

if [ "$a" \> "$b" ] or if [[ "$a" > "$b" ]]


string is null(zero length)

if [ -z "$String" ]


string is not null

if [ -n "$String" ] (always use quotes)

Arithmetic Operators






3 + 6 = 6



6 - 3 = 3



3 * 3 = 9



9 / 3 = 3



3 ** 2 = 9



24 % 4 = 4

Each arithmetic operator can be followed with an equals sign(=), which writes the output of the operation into the first variable. An example:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 a=2
   3 $((a += 1))
   4 echo $a
   6 # returns: 3

Logical Comparison Operators






"true" && "false" = false



"true" || "false" = true



! "true" = false


   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 if [ $condition1 ] && [ $condition2 ]; ...
   3 if [[ $condition1 && $condition2 ]]; ...
   4 if [ ! -f $FILENAME ]; ...

Compound Comparison Operators






if [ "$expr1" -a "$expr2"]6



if [ "$expr1" -o "$expr2"]6

Bitwise Comparison Operators






1010 & 1100 = 1000



1010 | 1100 = 1110



1010 ^ 1100 = 0110



~1010 = 0101


Left Shift

1100 << 1 = 1000


Right Shift

1100 >> 1 = 0110

Bitwise operators are usually not used in if statements, but for number manipulation. An example:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   3 a=$((2#1010))
   4 b=12
   6 bitwiseAND=$(( a&b ))
   7 echo Bitwise AND of a and b is $bitwiseAND
   9 # returns: Bitwise AND of a and b is 8

Each bitwise operator can be followed with an equals sign(=), which writes the output of the operation into the first variable. An example:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 a=2
   3 $((a <<= 1))
   4 echo $a
   6 # returns: 4



A function in bash can be defined in 2 ways:

   1 function_name () {
   2    <commands>
   3 }


   1 function function_name () {
   2    <commands>
   3 }

The () are there just for decoration, not to define arguments. Don't put anything between these. Arguments can be accessed using $1 etc. Arguments passed from the commandline can't be accessed directly from within a function. You should pass these when calling the function, or expose them in a global variable.


Calling functions is done by calling [result = ]function_name 'argument1' 'argument2'. Don't use parentheses for passing arguments.

Parameter Substitution and Expansion

see the tldp refcard More about parameter expansion

Case modification

(new in Bash 4.0)




To uppercase


First (matched) character to uppercase


To lowercase


First (matched) character to lowercase


   1 var='Text'
   2 echo "${var^^}"
   4 > TEXT

This can be used with a pattern like this: ${var^pattern}. In which case only matched characters are transformed

Parameter transformation

Check the bottom of this page




To uppercase (new in Bash 5.1)


First character to uppercase (new in Bash 5.1)


To lowercase (new in Bash 5.1)




With backslash escape sequences expanded as with the $'…' quoting mechanism


Expand as if it were a prompt string


As assignment statement


Display associative arrays as key-value pairs (new in Bash 5.1)


Show parameters' attributes flags parameters can have flags!


   1 var='Text'
   2 echo "${var@U}"
   4 > TEXT

String Operations

see the tldp refcard


For loop

Iterate over all passed files

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 for FILE1 in "$@"
   3 do
   4 wc $FILE1
   5 done

Iterate over all lines in variable

   1 while IFS= read -r line; do
   2     echo "... $line ..."
   3 done <<< "$list"

While loop

Loop until condition is true

   1 while [ $i -lt 4 ]
   2 do
   3 echo hi &
   4 i=$[$i+1]
   5 done

Special variables

Positional variables

Positional variables can be used within functions or scripts, enumerating arguments passed to them.

   1 function positional_variables(){
   2     echo "Positional variable 1: ${1}"
   3     echo "Positional variable 2: ${2}"
   4 }
   6 $ positional_variables "one" "two"
   7 Positional variable 1: one
   8 Positional variable 2: two

Using ${@} or ${@} all positional arguments can be returned, as iterable or as expanded array. The difference is that ${@} expands the variables like this ${1} ${2}.. and ${@} uses ${1}c${2}.. where c is the first character set in IFS.

Script source dir

Sometimes you need the directory in which the script itself is located, for example if you need to copy/make files in that directory. There are a lot of ways to get this directory, however, not all methods still work when the script is called via a symlink. The following line should work in most cases:

   1 script_path="$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
   2 script_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"

A test to check this method can be found here

Executing commands

With executing commands, I mean running a program/command from within a bash script. For example:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 touch "testfile"

Piping output

Piping to /dev/null

When a command should not display any output to the commandline, it is possible to pipe both STDOUT and STRERR to /dev/null

   1 echo "this won't be shown" >/dev/null 2>&1


Useful pieces of code

Bash script hardening

Explanation -euxo pipefail Safer bashscripts with euxo pipefail + E

   1 #! /bin/bash
   2 set -Eeuxo pipefail

Resolving unbound variable error

When using set -u, the processing of undefined commandline arguments might throw an error like this:

   1 ./ line 24: $1: unbound variable

To work around this error, you can use parameter substitution to replace an undefined parameter with an empty string like this:

   1 [ -z "${1-}" ] || [ "$1" == "help" ] && help

Check if file with wildcard exists

The following will echo true when a file called test.* exists

   1 compgen -G "test.*" && echo true

Yes/No prompt

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 read -p "Do you wish to be evil? (Y/n) " use_systemd
   3 [ -z "$use_systemd" ] && use_systemd='yes' # if no input, assume yes
   4 case ${use_systemd:0:1} in
   5    y|Y|1 ) # Yes
   6       echo "Try";;
   7    * ) # No (anything else)
   8       echo "Better go to";;
   9 esac

Check if running with sudo

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
   3    echo "This script must be run as root"
   4    exit 1
   5 fi

Commandline parameter parser (getopts)

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 function help () {
   3    echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <file>"
   4    echo "Description of what this command does"
   5    echo " -a     what option a does"
   6    echo " -b     what option b does"
   7    echo " -c     what input c does"
   8    echo " -h     display this output"
   9    exit 1
  10 }
  12 while getopts ':abc:h' opt ; do
  13    case "$opt" in
  14       a) a_var='true';;
  15       b) b_var='true';;
  16       c) c_var="${OPTARG}";;
  17       h) help ;;
  18       :)
  19          echo "$0: Must supply an argument to -$OPTARG." >&2
  20          exit 1
  21          ;;
  22       ?)
  23          echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}."
  24          exit 2
  25          ;;
  26    esac
  27 done
  29 file=${@:$OPTIND:1}
  30 output_file=${@:($OPTIND +1):1}

Lockfile & Trap

This snippet demonstrates both how a lockfile can be used, as well as how to trap any errors, so the lockfile can be removed. As long as the trap uses exit without an exit code, the exit code that was trapped will be returned.

   1 #!/bin/bash
   3 DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
   4 LOCKFILE="$DIR/cronjob.lock"
   6 set -e
   8 # Get lockfile
   9 counter=0
  10 while [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ]; do
  11    sleep 1
  12    if [ "$counter" -ge 5 ]; then
  13       echo "Could not get hold of lockfile, aborting."
  14       exit 1
  15    fi
  16    counter=$((counter+1))
  17 done
  18 trap "{ echo Bye!; rm -f "$LOCKFILE"; exit; }" EXIT
  19 echo $$ > "$LOCKFILE"
  21 # Do something that can't be multithreaded
  23 exit 0

Convert UNIX file with CR line endings to DOS file with CR/LF line endings

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 cat normalfile.txt | sed 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/" > inferiorfile.txt

Iterate over find output (or lines in file)

   1 while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do echo "$file"; done < <(find . -name '*PATTERN*' -print0)
   3 # And rename each file
   4 while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do mv -v "$file" "$(echo "$file" | sed 's/.txt/.conf/')"; done < <(find . -name '*PATTERN*' -print0)


  1. If a directory has the sgid flag set, then a file created within that directory belongs to the group that owns the directory, not necessarily to the group of the user who created the file. This may be useful for a directory shared by a workgroup. (1)

  2. Commonly known as the sticky bit, the save-text-mode flag is a special type of file permission. If a file has this flag set, that file will be kept in cache memory, for quicker access. [3] If set on a directory, it restricts write permission. Setting the sticky bit adds a t to the permissions on the file or directory listing. This restricts altering or deleting specific files in that directory to the owner of those files. (2)

  3. This test option may be used to check whether the stdin [ -t 0 ] or stdout [ -t 1 ] in a given script is a terminal. (3)

  4. A binary owned by root with set-user-id flag set runs with root privileges, even when an ordinary user invokes it. (4)

  5. The == comparison operator behaves differently within a double-brackets test than within single brackets. See this documentation (5)

  6. Apparently && and || "short-circuit" while -a and -o do not. See the bottom of this page (6 7)

Howto/Bash (last edited 2022-02-15 16:24:53 by Burathar)