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Editor: Sciuro
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Editor: Sciuro
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CTF's are fun to do. I like to do some CTF's once in a while and I started to write an guide for the more special CTF's I did. More information about solving problems can be found on [[https://ctf101.org/|ctf101.org]]. Current CTF's can be found on [[https://ctftime.org/ctfs|CTFtime.org]]. CTF's are fun to do. I like to do some CTF's once in a while and I started to write an guide for the more special CTF's I did. More information about solving problems can be found on [[https://ctf101.org/|ctf101.org]] and [[https://github.com/zardus/ctf-tools|CTF-Tools]]. Current CTF's can be found on [[https://ctftime.org/ctfs|CTFtime.org]].

Public CTFs

CTF's are fun to do. I like to do some CTF's once in a while and I started to write an guide for the more special CTF's I did. More information about solving problems can be found on ctf101.org and CTF-Tools. Current CTF's can be found on CTFtime.org.




Over the wire

Beginner to expert

Starting from learning SSH to reverse engineering.

Pico CTF

Beginner to expert

A good CTF to learn working on *nix systems and way beyond.

Certified Secure

Beginner to expert

A dutch site about learning the basics.

More can be found on the Awesome CTF site and CSO. Feel free to send me other CTF's. <ctf AT sciuro DOT org>


These are handouts about CTF's I did in the past. It's your call if you want to see answers.


Not a CTF, but well worth for learning.




UC Malware Analysis


Introduction to Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering

CTF (last edited 2020-06-06 15:19:40 by Sciuro)